1. Job Corps | U.S. Department of Labor
At Job Corps, students have access to room and board while they learn skills in specific training areas for up to three years. In addition to helping students ...
Job Corps is the largest nationwide residential career training program in the country and has been operating for more than 50 years. The program helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers, and assists them with obtaining employment. Job Corps has trained and educated over two million individuals since 1964.

2. Welcome to MyPACE
Job Corps students and staff can log into their MyPACE accounts using their Job Corps email addresses.
3. Job Corps - Moscow High School
Job Corps provides 100% financial and educational support to students that includes: academic training, specialized clothing (scrubs or steel toe boots for ...
About Job Corp
4. Job Corps - IUPAT
IUPAT Job Corps offers young men and women academic and vocational training.

5. Student Pay, Allotment & Management Information System (SPAMIS)
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SPAMIS (Student Pay Allotment and Management Information System) is owned by the Office of Job Corps. SPAMIS processes Job Corps student payroll, allotment, transitional allowances, leave, earnings, attendance records, placement, and provides a series of reports to each Job Corps Center allowing them to measure performance of the center and its contractors. SPAMIS supports the Department of Labor's mission by tracking information to support the academic and vocational training that Job Corps provides to students. The primary transactions that occur on the SPAMIS system include student enrollment, student payroll and student job placement. SPAMIS contains modules that are designed to support the distinct functions of student enrollment, student payroll and job placement tracking. These secure modules utilize a single centralized secured database. SPAMIS is authorized to operate under Subtitle C of Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 29 U.S.C. 2881 et seq. The SPAMIS system collects personally identifiable information (PII) for members of the public, and therefore this Privacy Impact Assessment is being conducted for the SPAMIS system in order to comply with Section 208 of the E-Government Act of 2002.

6. Counseling / Job Corps - Omaha Public Schools
After graduation, Job Corps provides transitional support services to help students further their education or find employment, housing and transportation. This ...
Job Corps is a U.S. Department of Labor program that is the nation’s largest career technical training and education program for eligible young people. Each year, Job Corps helps approximately 50,000 young people get the career training and education needed to enter the workforce or an apprenticeship program, go on to higher education, or be accepted in the military. Job Corps offers training in high-demand industries, including health care, information technology, and manufacturing. Through community college partnerships, Job Corps students can earn college credit (or even finish a high school diploma, if needed). After graduation, Job Corps provides transitional support services to help students further their education or find employment, housing and transportation. This program is funded by the federal government and is available at no cost to eligible participants. Contact: Shayla Dailey (402) 658-8610
7. Job Corps | Youth.gov
Job Corps is the nation's largest career technical training and education program for students ages 16 through 24.
youth.gov is the U.S. government website that helps you create, maintain, and strengthen effective youth programs. Included are youth facts, funding information, and tools to help you assess community assets, generate maps of local and federal resources, search for evidence-based youth programs, and keep up-to-date on the latest, youth-related news.
8. Job Corps - CT.gov
May 6, 2024 · ... Job Corps students and staff nationally and locally. We concentrate our efforts on enabling the New Haven Job Corps Center, the Hartford Job ...
Job Corps and the CT Department of Labor Partnership The State of Connecticut and other local partners were instrumental in bringing the Centers to the state and are committed to ensuring their continuing success. CT Department of Labor's Job Corps Vision Statement: "The Department is committed to promoting and enhancing the goals of Job Corps students and staff nationally and locally. We concentrate our efforts on enabling the New Haven Job Corps Center, the Hartford Job Corps Academy and the New England Outreach & Admissions and Career Transition Services (OA&CTS) to establish themselves in the upper quarter of the national program outcome measures ranking system as among the best in the nation.
9. [PDF] David L. Carrasco Job Corps Center
11155 GATEWAY WEST. EL PASO, TEXAS 79935. (915) 594-0022. CAREERS. BEGIN ... A SAFE ENVIRONMENT: Job Corps has a strict Student Conduct Policy. Violence ...
10. Job Corps Programs - Palm Beach State College
MyPBSC Student Portal · Canvas Login · Workday Login · Bookstore · Campus Dining ... Zero cost to participants. Note: Job Corps is currently open to students who ...
Through its Job Corps Scholars Program, PBSC will provide job skills training and employment counseling for Job Corps-eligible youth and adults ages 18 to 24 years old who live in Palm Beach County.
11. [PDF] Job Corps Policy and Requirements Handbook
... .... 2.2-1. 2.3 STUDENT ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................... 2.3-1. 2.4 PERSONAL ASSESSMENT ...
12. I have two students who graduated and are now in Job Corps. What is ...
I have two students who graduated and are now in Job Corps. What is that considered? Non-college, college, employment?
13. Job Corps • - Carpenters.org
... Portal. Job Corps. Job Corps is an educational and vocational training ... Job Corps students can find training and support in a safe environment at ...
Job Corps students can find training and support in a safe environment at more than 100 campuses throughout the country. Students who qualify receive the equivalent of a scholarship plus room and board, medical care, work clothing, a cash allowance, and counseling.
14. Job Corps Center Finder - CareerOneStop
your source for career exploration, training & jobs. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. A proud partner of the american job center network. Menu. Login.
Job Corps Center Finder