Delaware, Ohio, Oct. 26. (A. shot to death in an sutomobile, near here, today, the body of Mrs. Grace Brown, Cotumbus, widow, and O.
H. Betts, postmaster, of Garrett, Indiana, were in a local morgue today, while officers looked into a story of what was elther a suicide pact or a deliberate murder and suicide The only clue they have is an unmalled letter found in the pocket of Bette' coat, addressed to Floyd Brown, Columbus, son of the woman. The letter began: "I expect you will be very sad by the time you get this letter, I could not bear It any longer and your dear mother could not either, so we planned to end 1t all." Betts appeared to be about 50 years old and Mrs. Brown is believed to be about 40. Sheriff Fred H.
Harter and County Coroner Ray Davis are of the opinion that Betts killed the woman, then himself, because of jealousy over attention received from another man. The woman's body was found slumped under the steering wheel and that of Betts was in the rear seat. with a bullet through the head. A bottle of poison and a tin cup were found on the floor of the machine. The coroner said that Betts had swallowed some of the poison, his lips being burned.
It is thought be shot the woman and then took poison, and finding it too be too slow a death, he shot himself. The automobile, new and of moderatly expensive make, did not indicate a struggle. In Bett's pockets were found member ship cards in the National Association of Postmasters, the Garrett Chamber of Commerce and a Country Club of Garrett. His bank book showed a balance of $3800,00. The letter, was incoherent and was of four pages.
In it Mrs. Brown was accused of receiving attention from another man. He told the son who is a student in Ohio State University that he had known his mother for more than 15 years and that had seen each other at least once a week. Jaunt Into Canada Marie's Next Step Queen Maries Special Train. Niagara Falls, N.
Oct. 26. (A.) The world's greatest waterfall drew the attention of Queen Marie today for a few hours before the Roumanian royal party moved into Canada on the second leg of the trans-continental journcy. The Queen boarded her train immediately after a dinner and reception in Buffalo tendered by the city last night, arriving here at two o'clock this morning. Find Super Bomb Over in New York New York, Oct.
26. (A. A bomb which experts declare contained enough dynamite to blow up the large part of the business section of Lower New York was found today in a window ledge of the first floor of the New York court house. The bomb was in a paper valise and was found by a man about to enter the court house. TOLEDO CLUBBER IS AGAIN ACTIVE Report Earthquake In South Seas Tokyo, Japan, Oct.
26. (A. -The Kamagaya Observatory in Saltama Prefecture, reported that a severe earthquake was recorded at 1 o'clock, this afternoon, somewhere in the South Seas, probably in the vicinity of the Marshall Islands. The earthquake lasted for one hour. No report of damage was received.
INDICT'EM SAYS COURT In Marion County, Indiana-Candidates Are Guilty of Corruption. Indianapolis, Oct. 26. (A. -The Marion county grand Jury, which is investigating charges of political intrigue in diana, was instructed, today, by Judge Jas.
A. Collins, of the inal court, to return an indictment prior to the election next Tuesday, against any candidate for public office that is believed guilty "of corruption or criminal acts." McDermott Still Keeps Still Tongue PROSECUTOR SAYS UNLESS McDERMOTT TALKS FIRST DEGREE MURDER WILL BE PUSHED. Canton, 0., Oct. 26. (A.
Patrick Eugene McDermott, one of the trio indicted for the murder of Don R. Mellett, Canton publisher, and taken into custody Sunday after evading nation-wide search for three months, has not. as yet told all that authorities think he knows of the crime. Prosecutor C. B.
McClintock and Detective Ora Slater are playing a waiting game. The prosecutor has not yet moved to change the first degree murder indictment against McDermott. Unless McDermott turns state evidence he will go on trial for first degree murder, the prosecutor said. We expect him to talk more. The state won another battle today by keeping the evidence of Don R.
Mellett murder case out of the hands of the defense when Judge A. W. Agler overruled a motion of Attorney E. L. Mills for an order permitting him to confer with Patrick McDermoot, one of the trio in the Stark county work house.
Mills is counsel for Ben Rudner and Louis Mazer also indicted for the murder of Mellett. MURDER IS THE THEORY NOW In Explanation of Death of W. D. Patton and 5 of His Family. Marion, Oct.
26. (A. Investigation of the death of W. 0. Potter, former United.
States district attorney, and five of his family, here, last night, was centered around finger prints on a blood-stained furnace shaker, with which Potter is thought to have killed the members of his family, then committed suicide by jumping into a cistern. States Attorney Arlie O. Boswell was continuing the investiof the finger prints. The gution theory was advanced that six persons had been slain by an enemy and the body of the father thrown iato the cistern. Finger prints to be other than those of ported Potter's, are said to have been found on the furnace shaker.
Boswell revealed that at least officers, including himself, three had the implement. Another inquiry was devoted the fact that no water was to in Potter's lungs and that found there were numerous scalp wounds on his head. Caught At Farm House Near Point Pleasant W. Va. QUICK WORK IS DONE WITH THE TWO GUNMEN Land in Here Shortly After Noon--Arraigned And Bound Over.
Are Now in County Jail MADE ESCAPE FROM CORN-' FIELD IN JACOB WETZEL'S BOAT AND KEPT GOING EASTWARD TO TUCSON SHACK- SOUTH TO IRONTON-THEN' INTO WEST VIRGINIA- JURY TO BE RECALLED, BELIEVED ONE OR OTHER WILL BREAK AND CONFESS. John and Montrose Hickman, 30 and 21 respectively, Columbus, were bound over to the grand jury on a first degree murder charge without bond at 1 o'clock today by Mayor Gunning immediately upon their return here by police offic-! ers. They pleaded not guilty arraigned for the preliminary hearing for the murder of Officer Dan Garrett. The brothers were removed to the county jail to await action of the grand Jury. Neither would admit guilt when questioned by officers on the return trip from Point Pleasant.
Montrose said might have done the shooting, but I cannot tell, I was standing behind him. "Both said they were in the city and in the neighborhood where Garrett was shot. It is understood the grand jury will be reconvened soon, no date having been set, Chief. Keim and Sheriff Immell questioned Montrose on the trip while George Hamm and Sergeant Losh grilled John. The brothers said they were in the cornfield east of town while the searching party was beating about on the west side of the river.
(Continued on Page Twelve) Edward Barrett In Critical Condition SON OF MR. AND MRS. W. S. BARRET NOW IN MT.
CARMEL HOSPITAL--INJURED IN. FOOTBALL SCRIMMAGE. News form the bedside of Edward Barrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barrett, who was injured in a football practice game at 0.
Saturday, was that he 1s resting easy at Mt. Carmel hospital. Mr. Barrett, who was so seriously hurt that he could not be moved to a hospital, at first, and was taken to a fraternity house, last night, through some misadjustment of his bed, suffered so three physicians were called during the night, and they had him transferred to the hospital. Reports are that Mr.
Barrett's spine is injured and one kidney crushed. He is in a rather critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barrett are at his bedside.
Thinks John Might Make Confession The sheriff of Mason County, West Virginia, in conversation with the Gazette today that the Hickmans made no objection to coming back to Ohio to answer the charges made against them. They denied that they had any part in the shooting of Officer Dan Garrett, but admitted they were standing by their automobile when it was done. The sheriff said that neither one of the brothers had made any break leaning toward confession, but he surmised that the older one, John, if sufficiently pressed would break down and tell the story. BUCKSKIN FOLKS MEET And Talk Over New School And Bond Issue -150 Present Favor Progress. Some one hundred and fifty persons attended the high school bond rally at South Salem last evening at which was discussed the matter of issuing $60,000 in bonds to build a new high school for Buckskin township school district.
The meeting was addressed by Harry S. Rees, former Superintendent of scHools of township, and later superintendent of schools of Washington C. H. Pamphlets were distributed giving questions and answers dealing with the district's school needs, enrollment and future growth as well as setting forth Buckskin's 100 years of devotion to higher education as shown the wonderful work of "Old Academy," The bond issue is to run 24 years, will call for an annual payment of some $4050 to care for bonds and interest and will bring a tax rate in the district of $2.26 per thousand. A vote taken of the audience present after the addresses were made showed much more than half of those present favoring the bond issue.
GUN TOTER IS GIVEN A YEAR George Rinehart, Who Shot At William Wolf, is Sentenced. George Rinehart, found guilty recently of shooting with intent to wound Wm. Wolf, both of the White Heaven district, was sentenced, today, by Judge Blosser to one year in the penitentiary, the motion of the defense for ai new trial having been The sentenced followed a plea by Attorney Wade J. Beyerly that Rinehart be given a deferred sentence, which was strongly opposed by Prosecutor McKenzie. Beyerly claimed that a sentence hanging over Rinehart's head would keep him from any further criminal act; that his children needed him; that they should not have the penitentiary stigma placed on the family; that they would likely be a charge on the public if their father were sent to the pen; that the public good did not require an immediate sentence; that, while he had a bad temper, Rinehart was not really a bad man.
"In view of his almost continuous police record, Rinehart is not only not entitled to a deferred sentence," declared McKenzie, "but his sentence should be made severe as a warning to others of his type who are a menace to the community. He is an habitual disturber of the peace with a record that is anything but clean." (Continued on Page Twe ve) PANHANDLE SHERIFF WAS POSSE LEADER Who Crept Up On The Two As They Chopped -Got Drop on Them. EASY WORK FOR PURSUING OFFICERS AND POPULAR IDEA THAT HICKMANS WOULD NOT BE TAKEN ALIVE IS DISABUSED. Deny Connection With Garrett's Death Twenty miles back in the hills out of Point Pleasant, W. John and Montrose Hickman, 30 and 21, Columbus, were arrested late yesterday for the murder of Officer Dan Garrett, October 14, by Deputy Sheriffs H.
E. Burdett and James Sturgeon of Mason and Chief of Police J. A. Hyatt of Point Pleasant. The were taken into custody by the West Virginia officers following a tip from Mrs.
Emma McGrath, where the two men had been last Friday and were again yesterday. The officers surprised the Hickmans, who offered no resistance when they saw the police cover them with guns. Both of the men had guns, John the .38 calibre with which the Garrett shooting is alleged to have been committed and Montrose with the .44. When taken into custody they denied connection -with the Garrett killing, admitting "we were in the car in Chillicothe at the time but had nothing to do with the shooting." The West Virginia officers returned them to the Mason county jail pending removal by local police. The tip came to the sheriff's office at Point Pleasant from Mrs.
Emma McGrath yesterday afternoon. It is thought that she may have known the men prior to this time or that she had seen a circular sent out by local police with the picture of John Hickman, which was sent to all mining districts in this part of the counry as John was known to have been a miner and would likely look for work in such a section, When Acting Chief Kelm communicated with the Mason county sheriff last night the first statement was a query as to the reward. When told $600, the West Virginia officer said "Is that all?" He told local police that the men would be held and asked that they be called for immediately as they were anxious to get rid of them. The brothess admitted their names when surprised by the of- (Continued on Page Twelve) HIGH SCHOOL EQUIPMENT DAY FRID A Y- TURN IN AND HELP Annual Chillicothe High School Equipment Day will be observed here Friday when the local gridders meet the Greenfield eleven. The drive for the ticket sale for funds started yesterday afternoon with teams of high school students canvassing the city with the approval and indorsem*nt of the of Commerce and other trade bodies.
The seniors are in charge of the campaign for selling the tickets, undergraduates making up the various groups soliciting purchases of tickets to Friday's game. Captains the teams are Forrest Claypool, Elwood Carl Mount, Irene Bier, Ann Frank, Eleanor Byers, Elsie McGuire and Thryne Oakes. The money obtained from the sales will be used by the high school to aid in the payment of upkeep expenses fo the various athletics of the school, including COUNCIL ADDS TO REWARD FOR HICKMANS ALMOST NUDE BODY OF GIRL Is Found in School House Angle With Her Head Crushed in, After Police Search. Going From Night Class AT TOLEDO UNIVERSITY, WHERE ASSAULT WAS MADE, NEAR HER HOME BRUTAL MUTILATION MARKED BODY, JUST AS WAS CASE IN SOME SCORE OF OTHER ATTACKS ON WOMEN IN SAME NEIGHBORHOOD IN PAST MONTHS -FIRST BLOW KILLED HER Toledo, 0., Oct. 26.
(A. 'The mutilated body of Miss Lily Croy, 26, of 656 Palmwood teacher at Gunickel School and Toledo University night student, was found under the steps of Washington School, Palmwood Ave. and Wheeler street, at 1:35 Tuesday morning. The clothing was torn from the body, which bore unmistaktable marks of criminal Coroner Hensler stated, after examination. Miss Croy left her home early in the evening, to attend a class at Toledo University.
When she fulled to return home at the usual hour, following the class, her mother, Mrs. Emma Croy, notifed police and informed them she feared her daughter had met with foul play. She said the young woman had never stayed out late nights and had not kept company with one and she believed an attack was the only thing that could have prevented her return to her home at the usual time. A large squad of police and detectives were sent in search of the young woman, whose body was found on the Palmwood side of Washington School building by J. W.
Weist, a half-brother of the slain teacher. The body lay on the back, in an angle formed by a wing of the school building, and beneath, a fire escape supporting structure. The left side of the head was (Continued on page 11) 0000000000000 000000 0 QUEEN MARIE IS LIBERAL IN HER TIPS 00 New York, Oct. 26. (A.
0 -Tips given by Queen 0 Marie at the Ambassador 0 Hotel are estimated at 0 0 000. Waitresses and maids 0 received $25.00 each, por- 0 ters $10.00. Her Majesty 0 jots down all in a little book 0 and keeps a record of them. :00 000000000000 00 STILL SEEK $50,000 OF KNAPP'S LOOT Police Have Recovered $269,500 of The Money Stolen By Absconding Bond Salesman. Pittsburgh, Oct.
26. (A.P.) With $289,500 already recovered, police investigating Pittsburgh's $320,000 bond swindle, today, sought to locate the balance of the missing funds. Opening of a safe deposit box, held by Edward A. Goodfellow, in a downtown bank, was expected to reveal at least a portion of the $30,500 still unlocated. It by Goodfellow that led to the rewas co confession made yesterday covery of $241,500 which he had buried near his home.
Previously $48,500 had been found in the same place. According to the story fellow told police, the money was given him by Charles A. Knapp, fled after an investors' pool of $320,000 had been turned over to him to buy Liberty I Bonds at bargain prices. Knapp, he declare, had told him he had just concluded a big bond deal asked him to keep the money for. him.
LEFT FOR FLORIDA. Mr. W. F. Cryder of Cleveland, who has been spending three weeks in Kentucky and Chillicothe, left Monday for Cincinnati, where he will be joined with Mrs.
Cryder and Miss Leona Cryder. They will go on to St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will remain until May. GARAGE MAN AT COLUMBUS SAYS HE KNEW 0. J.
HUNT Writes Local Police Hunt Was Hard of Hearing, And His Home Was in Charleston, W. Va. W. R. Sifrit, of Columbus, this afternoon identified Otis J.
Hunt as a man for whom he had- done work and who later on had worked for him. He identified Hunt's clothing and his belongings and said Hunt was living with a woman as his wife in Columbus, but that they evidently had changed their place of resicence several times, lately. Police today are trying to get in touch with the woman, and failing in that, will try to find his friends or relatives in Charleston, W. Va. Reason for the death of Otis J.
Hunt, Columbus, shot at Waverly, Oct. 14, as a suspect in the Garrett killing, may be explained as a result of a letter, received, here today, from Columbus, and may lead to disposition of the body that has laid at Ware's since a week ago last Saturday, unidenfified. Defective hearing is given as the cause of Hunt's attempt to run from the officers when he failed to understand the command to halt. W. H.
Sifrit, of the Scioto Valley Garage, at 210 Lazette street, Columbus, comes here to day to identify the body as that of a young man who worked for him last summer in Columbus. This practically eliminates rumors that have circulated and speculations as to the identity of the man who was shot at Waverly. The capture of the Hickmans, I yesterday, definitely disposed of Water Company And The City to Negotiate a New Rate Contract. Lights Yet in Abeyance PENDING WORD FROM THE BUDGET COMMISSION ON JUST HOW MUCH MONEY MAY BE EXPECTED BY CITY -ARCH STREET PAVING DUE NEXT SPRING. City Council nearly failed to meet, last night, as a result of the knowledge that John and Montrose Hickman had been captured, but after much parley and about the case, President Robert Herron called the session to order and the resolution providing for the transfer of $500 from the General Contingent fund to the Safety fund, to be paid for the city reward for the capture of the brothers, was passed with no objection, except the question raised by Mayor Gunning as to the city assuming the burden of paying the entire $500.
"The reward as sent out on the circulars was to be $600, and as the murder was committed In Ross county as well as in the city of Chillicothe, I believe that we should arrange to divide the $600 with the county, as the sum of $600 was promised and no more," the mayor said, when he raised a question as to the advisability of voting the amount. "The official circulars carried that amount and no more was added, although it was contemlated. I do rot feel that we vote the $500 as the city's share for this reason, but I will not veto the resolution passed," the mayor explained. "Had the men not been captured, a second circular would have gone out with an additional $500 furnished by the county, but this had not been acted on, so that I do not see that we are obligated to pay $500 ai and the county not share in it," he added. The majority of the council antinued on rage Nine) Deny Asking Marie To Come Back Bucharest, Roumania, Oct.
26. (A. The Roumanian foreign office today categorically denied reports that the government had asked Queen Marie to curtail her visit to the United States. They equaly denied the sending of telegrams from Cape Ferdinand requesting that the Queen return to Roumania. the theory that Hunt might been John Hickman, which was claimed by Waverly authorities.
Silfrit's letter follows: Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 24. Police Department. Dear Sir: I see in the papers where the body of 0. J.
Hunt, killed at Waverly a week or 50 ago, has not been identified yet. The young man worked for me as an extra man this last summer. We had known him since last March and from what little he talked about himself, we took it that he lived in or around Charleston, W. Va. When he was here at the garage he had a Studebaker car, or $24 model.
We did about $60 worth of work on it, and he also bad a small bank account at the Market Exchange Bank, this city. He lived then at 210 South Grant avenue. We last saw him two weeks ago, painting the car in front of 380 South Third street, on Saturday afternoon (Oct. 9). We all liked him and around the garage he seemed to be all 0 K.
I never saw him have a gun while he was here. One thing, the boy was hard of hearing and I had to almost holler to make him hear. I think that is one reason he met death, he not having understood when the officers told him to put up his hands. I am very sure he lived in or (Continued on Page Tweivez football and basketball, Local peowho are at all interested in ple are urged to by tickets athletics, the school. The contest, Friday, will be a good one with the Greenfield team fresh from victory over Frankfort last week and the Orangemen fighting to win another game in the South Cenral League race.
Fifty boys are working hard on the football squad, and although green, will be the nucleus of good teams for the next several years. Approximately $700 is expended on football equipment, Superintendent J. Smith said today in addition to that needed for basketball. The proceeds of the Equipmen Day drive will go to this fund. The game starts at 2:35 at the Mead Park field.
Rodney Ross of Ohio State will referee and H. W. Dunlap of Denison will be the umpire. R. E.
(Mike) Myers, as ual will be headlinesman. Knock You will always find that enthusiasm is closely associated with optimism. Cheerfulness, supported by good reasoning, makes the best basis of operation. Your real power is set into action by releasing your enthusiasm. The true measure of your producing ability is determined by the quality of the enthusiasm controlling you.
Base your enthusiasn on your knowledge of the truth--and push on! Did you ever notice how enthusiastic about oppor4 tunity the regular readers of the A-B-C Ads are?.